Friday, May 25, 2012

I love you.

Someone says this to you. What do you reply with?

"Thank you." "I love you too." "I love you more."

You say "Thank you" when you appreciate the love the person is giving, but you do not necessarily feel the same way. You say "I love you too" because you also feel the same way. But, "I love you more" ?

When people say "I love you more", they probably don't have any bad intentions to the one they're saying this to. But, here is what it sounds or means to me.

When you say "I love you more", it is like you know how much the other person loves you and you believe that you love him/her more than he/she does you. However, isn't this comparing? It seems like you are indirectly telling the other person that he/she should do more or exert more effort to level with how much you're giving. Is this not the case? If so, we cannot call this love anymore. For true love does not demand. It does not find fault, and it does not compete with another person. It gives unconditionally.

Some people may not agree with this view, but as I mentioned above, people who say this may not be aware of this implication of the statement. And yes, they may not have this intention as well.

In my case, when my other half says "I love you" to me, I always reply simply with "I love you".
"I love you", because I do. "I love you" and not "I love you too", because even if he will not love me back anymore, I will still do.

So now, let me ask you that question again. When someone says "I love you" to you, how will you answer?

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