Thursday, February 16, 2012


I saw on the back of a dude's shirt: A uniform that comes with responsibility.

True. Wearing a uniform does not only give you identity, but it also means that instilled in you are the beliefs and values that your group/organization/club stands for.

Well, supposedly this should be the case.

[ Even before I saw that dude's shirt, I already had this concern. You see, I am currently studying in a Catholic university, and it bothers me that some students do some inappropriate things whilst in their uniform. Don't get me wrong. I don't really care if they smoke, drink, or do any what-not. My concern is that some of them do not have the decency to at least change their clothes or to not do these things at all when in uniform.
Why is this such a big deal? Because, if they do these things, it just shows that they don't respect their uniform and their school. In addition, they are giving other people a negative impression of what students from the school are like. ]

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that a uniform is not just a piece of clothing. It also defines who you are. So, wear it with pride, and act responsibly.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said. You have shared here a exact mean for uniform as it belongs to any organization or any sports or else. Much impressed.

    Sportswear Perth
