Friday, May 10, 2013


Almost two months ago, I had my hair cut. It wasn't just an ordinary hair cut. It was a drastic change. You see, I've had my hair mid length most of the time, 2-4 inches below the shoulders. The shortest I've had it, except for the time when I was still very young and my mum was the one who cut my hair, was during my final year in high school (5 years ago). My hair was at shoulder length.

So anyway, this time I had my hair cut REALLY short. Unfortunately, it was done waaaayy shorter than I wanted. I really don't know what the hairdresser was thinking, or if he even was. I left the shop and put on my beanie until I arrived home.

I was sad and thought I looked horrible, but when my sister saw me, she almost shrieked with excitement. She was raving about how it looked good on me and all other good things. It took a while before I was convinced that I looked okay.

That night, I was meeting my boyfriend and he had no idea beforehand that I was going to cut my hair. I was worried because he might not like it. I was wearing my beanie when I got into the car. After a while, I took it off and waited for his reaction. He laughed. But it was more of amusement rather than of mockery. He said nothing ill about my new hairstyle, even joking that I looked more handsome than him already.

And that was it. I was no longer conscious about my hair. It wasn't cut perfectly, yes, but what was important was that the people who matter to me like it, because their opinion really is all that matters to me. :)

Sometimes, we get too conscious and we worry too much, especially about our looks. While it's true that we must look presentable, what really matters is what we think about ourselves. It is important that we feel comfortable so that we will be confident.

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